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Advanced Usage

Retreon offers an escape hatch for situations where createAction(...) just doesn't cut it. You should use this sparingly, not because it's bad, but because it takes you off the beaten path.

Retreon is powered by async generator functions. Every yield statement is a dispatch, and the return of yield is whatever dispatch returned. In practice, this gives you the full power of redux-thunk while leveraging the expressiveness of modern JavaScript.

async function* sequence() {  yield { type: 'first-action' }  await someEffect()  yield { type: 'second-action' }
  return 'result'}
store.dispatch(sequence()) // Promise { "result" }

These are just a few things that async generator functions can do:

  • Consume streams or observables into a sequence of dispatches.
  • Conditionally quit without dispatching an action.
  • Run code after a dispatch.
  • Provide progress updates on long-running tasks.

Further, because the result of dispatch(...) is returned to yield, you can infinitely extend this pattern through redux middleware. How about a special yield value that returns redux state? Surprisingly easy:

// Redux middlewareexport const GET_STATE = Symbol('middleware:GET_STATE')
export const middleware = store => next => action => {  return action === GET_STATE ? store.getState() : next(action)}
// Actions fileimport { GET_STATE } from './middleware'
async function* selectState() {  const reduxState = yield GET_STATE}

As you can see, generators offer a lot of power. Be careful not to overuse it.

Action Factories#

The first problem you might encounter with async generators is what to dispatch. We've never shown how to create an "optimistic" action outside the framework, nor does retreon want to expose those details. Not yet, at least.

The next problem is listening for actions. What do you pass to handleAction(...)? The generator? How would it know the action type?

Action factories address both of those problems. It provides a small interface for creating action objects (error, success, optimistic) without needing to know the structure, and you can use it as a handle for createReducer(...) while preserving type safety.

You'll use createAction.factory(...) to instantiate a handle:

// Please don't actually call this "factory". Name it by what it does.export const factory = createAction.factory('action-type')

From there, you can dispatch errors, optimistic actions, and success events.

async function* allActions() {  yield factory.optimistic('optimistic payload')  yield factory.success('success payload')  yield factory.failure(new Error('Something went wrong'))}

Then pass the same handle to the reducer.

createReducer(initialState, (handleAction) => [  handleAction.optimistic(factory, () => {}),  handleAction.error(factory, () => {}),  handleAction(factory, () => {}),])

Note for TypeScript: Define generics to allow optimistic and success payloads. The payload parameters are disabled by default.

createAction.factory<SuccessPayload, OptimisticPayload>('action-type')

Ordering Rules#

To preserve the sanity of your fellow developers, please observe the rules for actions:

  • Dispatch EITHER an error OR a success event (never both).
  • NEVER dispatch an error twice for the same action.
  • NEVER dispatch a success event twice for the same action.
  • Optimistic updates must ALWAYS precede success/error events.

If you must dispatch multiple actions of the same type (e.g. in a stream), use "optimistic".